Smile, A Farmer's Got Your Back

"Real Food doesn't have ingredients,
real food is ingredients"
About The Program
If you are reading this you are now ready to take the journey of having a relationship with those who produce your food.
This is not only important, it's revolutionary. In a time when the food industrial complex is so large and disconnected to the customers they feed, many small farmers like us are opening farm to table models that shorten the gap and bring quality food back to your plate.
Becoming a member will also help to support the men and women who have taken the scary step in firing up this revolution and making it a reality for you.
As a member, you will receive a Farm Box. You will be considered a "Produce Shareholders" and part of the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model. Essentially, you will have your own personal Farmers!
The benefits for you include:
Fresher food for you - More nutrient dense
Increasing personal relationships with your food producer
Adding to your Local Economy & Community
Self awareness through your diet
Interdependence between farmer and customer


Step 1: Read the Terms and Conditions of our Farm Box Program, and sign up for an account by choosing a login ID and password.
Step 2: Begin shopping by choosing a box that best suits your needs. In the description section of each box it will contain the amount of items and the estimation of how many it will feed.
Step 3: Add extra goodies to your Farm Box such as meats, drinks, dried goods, etc.
Step 4: Choose your pick up location that is most convenient for you.
Step 5: Complete your order by filling out the appropriate fields.
Step 6: Look for updates and please give us feedback. Please remember to order as soon as possible for the sake of availability. Orders must be received a minimum of 2 days before the delivery and market pick-up date.
Step 7: Enjoy your food box!
Terms and Conditions
It is very important that all Farm Box Shareholders read and understand this section. Upon entry to the program you will be prompted to click "I agree" and, after our questionnaire is completed, an email will be sent to you with all the confirming information.
This section is to give our current and future Shareholders a more comprehensive understanding of what we do and who we are. Unlike many food/farm box programs, we actually are the first and last hands to touch your food prior to you receiving it. What that means to you is that you get the freshest and best value on organically grown goods on the market.
We are however a small family operation so, with quality of product in mind, we would like your purchase to be very personal. We have some customization that will help with this, and for this reason the How It Works program is very important!
All Farm Box Shareholders begin by choosing a Farm Box that best suits their household needs. There are a number of box styles and sizes. On our blog you will find the particular food that is available each week either from Organically Grown goods produced from our farm or from other Local and Regional producers. In the questionnaire we ask you to pic weekly/biweekly, likes/dislikes, and other details to customize your experience.
We ask our Farm Box Shareholders to commit to a minimum of 10 boxes in a 10 week period. Each membership begins with a deposit equal to 1 box that will be the payment for your last delivery of whichever box you chose. At the completion of your 10 box subscription the service continues automatically. If you want us to cancel the service please email us at FoodBox@locallands.net.
PAYMENTS Your payments can be by check, cash, credit card, paypal or even ebt.
You may cancel at any time after your subscription term is completed. Cancellations within the subscription period will cost you your deposit.
You can change the size of your box, up or down, at any time during your subscription.
You will receive a Crate or an Insulated Bag with your subscription. The crate is with a $5 deposit, the bag is a $15 charge. Please make sure you return these with every delivery to ensure ease of processing. If your food container (crate/bag) is not returned for refilling, you will be charged for a new container and the charge will be returned to you when you bring back the container. If you lose the container altogether, you are responsible to buy another bag or leave another deposit for the crate. The same consideration must be given for a container that you damage. The deposit for the crate will be returned if you choose to discontinue this service and return your crate. Note: The insulated bag and/or crate is an option we provide to assist in food preservation. You may choose not to use this option, and we can provide paper bags for your order.
Timing is everything in farming and food. Every week we send out our list for the following week. If customization or cancellation is needed you must inform us at least 2 days prior to your delivery date. Packaging, forming, harvesting and the like are time consuming and labor intensive. Even though exceptions can be made, and we will try, there is no guarantee. If your modifications are not made in time, it is possible you will be given what is on the standard menu.
If a cancellation is not made in time we offer options for your convenience which include donations and leaving your box with a friend.
If you're picking up at one of our markets, indicate which market that you intend to pick up at (pick up locations are in the link below). We DO NOT charge for Farmers Market pickups. Contact us for home or office deliveries.
We cannot deliver meats or fresh fruits and veggies by mail.
We can deliver coffee, teas, grain, flour, incense, accessories and more by mail.
Free shipping on all orders over $100.
Begin your membership now by signing up for an account.
To re-iterate, if you're picking up at one of our markets indicate which market that you intend to pick up at (pick up locations are in the link below). We DO NOT charge for Farmers Market Deliveries. Contact us for home or office deliveries.
We cannot deliver meats or fresh fruits and veggies by mail.
We can deliver coffees, teas, grain, flour, incense, accessories by mail.
All orders over $100 per drop will receive free shipping.
Begin Your Membership Now by Clicking 'I Agree' tab